Employee Toolbox EMPLOYEE REQUEST Per Diem Form Per Diem Request Form The per diem is only for employees that decline the TCI paid hotels. The per diem is the discretion of management and not guaranteed. Per diem must be approved by your Superintendent. Employee Name * Employee Email * Request Date * Superintendent Name * Work Date to Start Per Diem * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit CREW REQUEST OFF (FOREMAN USE ONLY) Crew Request Off Foreman/Superintendent Requesting Crew Time off * Person Completing the form Location of Crew * Foreman Phone Number * Start Date of Time off * Return Back to Work Date * Today's Date * Crew Member Last name, First Name Crew Member Last Name, First Name Crew member Last name, First Name Crew member Last name, First Name Crew Member Last Name, First Name Crew member Last Name, First Name Crew Member Last Name, First Name Crew Member Last Name, First Name Crew Member Last Name, First Name Crew Member Last Name, First Name Employees will be needing transportation: * provided by TCI Flights provided by TCI (employees still need to complete flight request form) Employees are arranging transportation During the crew time off: * Replacement Crew is needed The job will pause/stop If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit FLIGHT REQUEST FORM Flight Request Form Employees must enter your name exactly as it is on your Drivers License so that we can correctly book your flight. If the name does not match your Driver's License the employee will be responsible for charges and missed flights. You can not board a flight if you name does not match documentation. Complete this form using your name listed on your Driver's License. We will make every effort to honor requested travel dates. However, sometimes flights are not available and flights will have to be booked on another day. The earlier you request your flight, the more likely to get your requested dates. We request 3 weeks notice of flights, but realize the nature of our business does not always allow for ample notice. Your flight information will be sent to the employee email that you provide. Employee Name Employee Email * Employee Name as it appears on Drivers License * Date of Birth * Today's Date * Foreman Name * Flight Information Departure date * Departure City * Arrival City * Will you be working day of departure YesNo Return Flight Information (if applicable) Return Date * Departure City Arrival City Reason of flight Choose one from belowRotation Week offBereavementApproved Leave of AbsenceOther Reason of flight Employee Phone Number Current Job Location If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit EXTENDED LEAVE REQUEST Extended Leave Type of Leave Request * CHOOSE OPTION FROM BELOWMilitary FMLAPaternity Personal MedicalOther Date of Request Name of Employee * Name or Supervisor * Start date of Leave * Expected Return Date to work * Phone * Email * Acknowledgement * The information provided above is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any willful misrepresentation or falsification may lead to ineligibility for these benefits and may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. You can expect to receive more information regarding your request. All Extended Leave of Absence will require additional documentation submitted by the employee. Within 5 business days of the submission of this form, you will receive communication from the Human Resources Department. All questions should be directed to Deanna at DeannaW@TCIturner.com If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit ROAD TRAVEL FORM Road Travel The $25 Road Travel stipend is only if you are riding to an out of state job in a company vehicle as a passenger. It is the employees responsibility to complete Road Travel form within 48 hours of travel or the per diem is void. Employee Name * Employee Email * Foreman Name * Date of Form Completion * Date of Travel * Job Location * Driver * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Login Instructions Your username is your first and last name with NO spaces. Your password is the last four digits of your SSN. Username Password Forgot your password? Login